Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Reaction to the Diving Bell and the Butterfly

The film portrays the movie from the point of view of the main character Jean-Dominique Bauby as he wakes up from a three week coma. He finds himself suffering from locked in syndrome and the only means of communicating to the world is through blinking his one eye to spell out works one letter at a time. I have yet to finish watching this movie so I am not quite sure how it ends but I have added it to my list of movies to purchase from Amazon. After watching the first half in class I could not highly recommend this movie enough to my friend as I told him about how the look and feel of the movie really stood out to me. The movie was really shot with the eye of an artist as a lot of the cinematography is simply beautiful and the way they shot the movie through the eye of the main character make it very unsettling as though I was experiencing everything he was vicariously.                                                                                                             

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